Jom Jue belanje video khas dari Nutrition Consultant Shaklee, Siti Sarah Che Haludin.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Macam mana nak cegah Influenza?
Jom Jue belanje video khas dari Nutrition Consultant Shaklee, Siti Sarah Che Haludin.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
More children are living in high-rise apartments, so designers should keep them in mind
![File 20180806 119612 x9htn7.jpg?ixlib=rb 1.1](
Australian cities are changing. Instead of families living in low-density suburban areas, more parents are raising children in high-rise housing in inner-city areas. Despite this, much of the high-rise housing stock in Australia has been developed for residents without children.
Our recent study, published in the journal Cities & Health, explored parents’ experiences of raising preschool-aged children in high-rise apartments. We found while parents appreciated that apartments offered affordable housing close to employment, they found the design challenging for raising children.
Considering the growing number of families raising children in inner-city apartments, city planners must start designing for more child-friendly living. This includes providing communal spaces where children can play, adequate laundry facilities and ensuring design features are safe for children.
Read more: Density threatens liveability if we miss the big picture of how a city works
Photographed experiences
Apartment living for families with children is a relatively new phenomenon in Australia, but it’s growing. According to 2016 Census data, the number of families with children living in apartments increased by 56% between 2011 and 2016. And nearly half of all apartment dwellers on census night in 2016 were families with children.
But this type of housing may not be meeting the needs of Australian families. A 2015 household survey in the City of Yarra (an inner-Melbourne municipality where apartments now make up 46% of the housing stock), found residents in high-density areas were less satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to raise children than those in lower-density areas.
Read more: What's equity got to do with health in a higher-density city?
Our research used a method called Photovoice to help understand why parents in private, high-rise dwellings in Yarra felt this way. Over a three-week period, parents photographed aspects of apartment living they considered beneficial and challenging for raising preschool-aged children.
We then interviewed them individually and as a group. Parents accepted some of the challenges in return for having easy access to employment, which they said allowed them to spend more time with their children. They were also accepting of having only a small amount of private outdoor space or none.
But many were concerned that the communal outdoor space in their apartment complex was either absent or inappropriate. This reduced the opportunity to spend time outdoors with their children. One parent captured this in the below photograph.
She explained:
There’s no softness in the space, there’s no child-friendly area… I can’t just hang out in my complex, I have to leave if I want to give him some outside time… so I find that really challenging ’cos I just want to be able to go outside with a cup of tea and put him down so he can crawl around.
The close proximity of apartments was problematic too. One parent described it as “like living in Big Brother house”. This had the effect of some families keeping their blinds down all day.
Parents were also concerned about opening windows at night because noise from other residents would wake their children. Conversely, trying to keep family noise to a minimum so as not to disturb neighbours was a constant battle.
Child-unfriendly indoor and outdoor design features were a challenge too. These included tiny sinks, unsuitable for washing nappies, and no clothes drying facilities. The design of windows, balconies and car parking areas were potentially dangerous. One parent photographed the window in her apartment and explained:
… our bedroom window … opens to someone’s balcony underneath us… the monkey’s lying at floor level, the window opens from the floor up … there is a lock on the window which does restrict it to just being open about 10 centimetres but … the layout to the apartment is incredibly narrow … it gets really hot and stuffy and then if we undo the lock to let any air in, it’s a hazard.
Health impacts
A range of housing issues have been associated with poor health and development outcomes for children. These include overcrowding, insecure tenancy, air quality, exposure to pollutants, hazards and noise. Yet specific research on the impacts of high-rise living on children is sparse.
There are some reviews that highlight negative impacts on children’s psychological health and development. But many such studies have focused on disadvantaged children in high-rise housing, so it’s difficult to isolate the physical aspects of dwellings from other socioeconomic influences.
Read more: It's time to recognise how harmful high-rise living can be for residents
Evidence of some negative aspects of apartment living in Australia is emerging though. Research in Sydney showed an increase in children presenting at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead with serious injuries due to falling from apartment windows and balconies.
Another study showed parents’ management of children’s noise in high-rise apartments in Sydney affected the way parents allowed their children to sleep and play. Parents reported closing windows and not having friends visit.
Similarly, a Melbourne study showed that primary-school-aged children felt discouraged from everyday play in so-called “communal areas” in private high-rise apartment complexes due to neighbour complaints.
What needs to be done
A recent report by the City of Melbourne states that one in three apartments in Melbourne built prior to new guidelines being implemented were considered to be of poor quality in relation to criteria including size, privacy, ventilation and communal space.
New apartment design guidelines in Victoria, which include requirements for building arrangements and amenity, are a start to addressing some of the generic issues raised by families in our study.
But these can’t resolve problems in apartments designed before the guidelines were implemented. And given the high proportion of children living in high-rise apartments in Australia, it is disappointing that the Victorian guidelines mention them only once.
It may be time to consider more explicit child-friendly guidelines for high-rise living. Overseas examples could be drawn on, such as those developed in several Canadian cities. These include objectives such as designing the environment with the safety needs of children in mind and providing children of all ages with easy access to appropriately located, designed and landscaped outdoor play areas.
The study was carried out in conjunction with Dr Elyse Warner from the School of Health & Social Development, Deakin University, and Dr Belinda Robson from the City of Yarra.
Fiona Andrews, Senior Lecturer, School of Health & Social Development, Deakin University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Meh kita tengok apa yang ada dlm set kecantikan kulit Shaklee??? Jue terangkan satu satu ye..
- Membantu memberi tenaga semasa berpuasa
- Membantu mengurangkan rasa lapar semasa berpuasa
- Mengekalkan pertumbuhan normal dan pemeliharaan tisu.
- Menjadikan kulit lebih sihat dan cantik
- Memberi perlindungan untuk masalah eczema dan kulit sensitive
- Kandungan soya dalam ESP membantu membaiki tisu-tisu dalam badan
- Mengawal atur keseimbangan bendalir dalam badan.
- Pembinaan hormon, enzim dan antibodi memerlukan protein.
- Menjaga kesegaran dan keremajaan kulit
- Melindungi kulit dari sinar ultra-ungu
- Menjaga kelembapan kulit
- Menghapuskan radikal bebas yang merosakkan sel
- Sebagai antioksidan kuat yang melindungi kulit daripada pencemaran udara dan sebagainya
- Merangsang pembentukan dan peningkatan produksi kolagen kulit, yang akan menjaga kekenyalan, kelenturan, serta kehalusan kulit
- Mencerahkan kulit
- Sebagai pelembap
- Mencegah pigmentasi
- Melambatkan tanda penuaan
- Mengubati jerawat
- Mengurangkan kedutan dan pembentukan garis-garis halus
- Mencegah penuaan
- Menjadikan kulit lebih kenyal
- Mencerahkan kulit
- Menjaga kulit dari sinaran UV
- Mengurangkan parut jerawat
- Menjadikan wajah bersinar dan bermaya
- Menjadikan kulit wajah lebih cerah dan kemerahan
- Menjadikan wajah lebih berseri
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Tasik Biru Kangkar Pulai, Johor
Nak masuk ke kawasan ni, takde "signboard cekelat" macam pusat rekreasi yang kita biasa pergi tau. Sebab kawasan ni actually kawasan perlombongan. Kalau selepas masuk kawasan perumahan, you alls kena lalu kawasan jalan berbatu tu, you're in a right track la tuu. Terus je masuk sampai you alls jumpa kawasan lapang untuk parking.
Dari sini lah bermulanya pengembaraan you alls. Bermula dengan laluan selepas palang besi, ada jalan ladang kelapa sawit. Kat sini you alls boleh la baling dadu nak ke kanan atau ke kiri. Kalau salah jalan, padan muka! haha. Okay, Jue taklah kejam sangat. Actually, both jalan you alls boleh guna. Masa first time Jue pergi, we alls just ikut instinct je. Instinct tak berapa baik, we alls pilih kanan, lebih afdhal. Rupanya lalu jalan yang agak mencabar. Berjalan kaki sejauh 1km melalui ladang kelapa sawit dan dalam 50 meter mendaki akan sampai dipuncak. Di punya mendaki mencabar babe! Tapi setiap kawasan yang agak bahaya, dah tersedia dengan tali. So, jangan risau!
Selepas meneruskan perjalanan melalui trek dalam 5 km, you alls akan jumpa 2 empangan, Laluan kiri masuk menuruni bukit akan sampai ke lurah Tasik biru. Wahhh!! Kat sini you alls mesti tak sangka wujudnya banyakk ikan dalam tasik ni. Pantang di campak roti, pasti ikan akan datang mengerumun dengan rakus.
Memang banyakkk sangatt ikan kat sini! Rasa nak tangkap buat spa ikan kat bilik. Lol!
Dari empangan ke 2, you alls perlu mendaki bukit, semak dan berteping tinggi baru la akan jumpa semula dengan Tasik Biru. Tadaa! Meh Jue Share antara view yang menarik di sini.
- Pilih KASUT yang betul. Ada trek yang agak licin terutama pada waktu pagi and kalau incase hujan.
- Jangan lupa bawa AIR MASAK. Kalau you alls ikut trek jauh, Air tasik tu pun you akan rasa nak sedut je guna straw!
- Before gerak, SUPPLEMENT jangan lupa makan. Barulah naik sentiasa bertenaga sepanjang pendakian. Yang penting, balik pun tak lah sakit sakit badan. :)
Friday, December 15, 2017
Ini ialah sebahagian daripada ahli Pearls yang datang memeriahkan Gathering Event yang berlangsung di Disenar Space, Kuala Lumpur. kalau nak di ikutkan, ahli Pearls memang sangat ramai. Tapi disebabkan tak semua available masa tu, ini sahaja lah yang ada.
• Success Story New Master
• Sharing from our super awesome upline, Master Nana Macaronna
• Kisah Inspirasi Leaders yang hebat hebat
• Makan makan and desserts
• Photo session sampai kejung pipi
• Chit chat depan depan rapatkan ukhwah
• Offline coaching santai santai
InshaaAllah gathering seperti ini bakal jadi event tahunan untuk Pearls and Jue berharap one day team Jue sendiri Stupendous Gems akan sekukuh team Pearls.
Actually, event macam ni sangatlah membantu untuk naikkan semangat untuk lebih serius dalan bidang bisnes. masa niii lah masing masing berkongsi tips untuk berjaya dan mereka mereka yang hebat ni langsung tak lokek nak sharing. Bila dah jumpa, masing masing berebut nak sedut aura positif which is sangattt penting untuk kita terus berdiri teguh sebagai Penjual Supplement yang hebat!
Sekalung tahniah buat Master Irine Nadia &Master Amirul atas kejayaan mereka mencapai rank tertinggi dalam Bisnes Shaklee. Doakan Jue dapat panjat tangga Rank Shaklee dengan cemerlang. MASTER AYUJUE one day, In syaa Allah.
Bulan February nanti pula, akan ada satu lagi Event yang di anjurkan oleh Spectacular by Master Nana Macaronna. Confirm lagi meriah. Tak sabarrr! Bila join Shaklee dengan team yang betul, you alls bukan je dapat macam macam benefit dari Shaklee tauu. You juga akan jadi part of us. Boleh jumpa jumpa, kenal kenal, anddd sama sama kejar bonus besar. best kan?
After all, ada satu yang Jue regret! Sampai kesudah teringat kat Kek masa event tu. Macam mana boleh terlupa nak makannnn!! Nangis! #PearlsGathering2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Founder of Stupendous Gems